i -am- phone

When the construction of this monumental representation of our era began, there was no pandemic.
In fact, this symbol stands for many other representations too. Communication, friends, sex, information, light, calculator, the “snake” game? By no means does it characterise the man himself, rather that it focuses on human relationships.
Implicit presence of a monolithic i-phone? A sample of extraterrestrial intelligence? God? Man?

The mysterious light on its screen is not at all artificial, but it’s a reflection of the surrounding lights. An interaction between three constitual elements: a rock; the first man-made tool, the surroundings with their light and man himself.
Our bright faces make us look like monkeys cheering without knowing what exactly this monolith is ( A space odyssey - Stanley Kubrick )
Dimensions: 2.20m. height , 1.10 m.length,12cm. widht

Material: Marble

Dimensions: Height 2.20m x Length 1.10m x Width 0.12m




cave paintings